This document describes Outdoor Research, LLC’s policies and actions relating to slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain and has prepared this document in response to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.
Outdoor Research has developed a Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines standards for itself and its suppliers on a variety of labor and business topics. This code of conduct is based on the Outdoor Industry Association Fair Labor Code of Conduct which can be found here.
1. Outdoor Research, LLC (“OR”) is subject to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (“Act”) based on the following requirements:
- OR is a manufacturer and retail seller of outdoor apparel and accessories
- OR is doing business in California for purposes of the Act based on its revenues and operations existing in the state of California
- OR has annual worldwide gross receipts in excess of $100,000,000.
2. OR assesses the risks of human trafficking and slavery in its supply chain.
OR employs third-party verified social audits from the Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (FSLM) to provide data on forced labor risks in our supply chain. The Higg FSLM measures and scores the social impact of manufacturing across many areas, including forced labor. These FSLM scores highlight opportunities for improvement and rank them from a medium level risk to a zero-tolerance issue. Any sign of forced labor is flagged as a zero-tolerance issue which would prompt OR to address it. OR collects Higg FSLM audits from each of our direct factory partners annually and utilizes the FSLM scoring standard to evaluate the risk of human trafficking in our supply chain.
For more information on Higg FSLM audits, please follow this link: An Introduction to FSLM - User Resources: How to Higg
3. OR does not believe that slavery or human trafficking exists in our supply chain at this time.
4. OR has implemented policies to address human trafficking and slavery in our supply chain. We have enacted the OR Supplier Code of Conduct, signed by all direct suppliers and larger indirect suppliers which (among other points) prohibits forced labor, prison labor, bonded labor, human trafficking and slavery. If we find evidence of these types of forced labor, we reserve the right to immediately end our business relationship and cancel any POs issued by OR. The OR Supplier Code of Conduct also requires that our direct suppliers implement similar procedures among their suppliers of fabrics and other materials.
5. OR has developed internal accountability standards and procedures for employees or contractors not meeting our standards related to human trafficking and slavery.
6. OR trains its employees who visit or otherwise have contact with suppliers on the Supplier Code of Conduct. Employees who visit suppliers are expected to observe, document and communicate concerns with any perceived suspect activity outlined in the Supplier Code of Conduct. We are committed to investigating and addressing any concerns of which we become aware.
7. OR periodically reviews our Supplier Code of Conduct and updates it as needed to adopt the evolving best practices for human rights and sustainability practices. Updates are communicated to suppliers who must agree to update their standards to remain an authorized supplier.