Notice at Collection

This Notice at Collection (this “Notice”) is provided by Outdoor Research, LLC, a Washington limited liability company (“Company”, “we”, “our”, or “us”), and applies to personal information of California residents to the extent the information is subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended (the “CCPA”). You may review and download our Privacy Policy, as well as our Privacy Policy for California Residents.

We collect your personal information and sensitive personal information to support our business operations, including for the business purposes listed in the charts below. We may sell the categories of personal information and/or sensitive personal information we collect or share it with third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising, as indicated in the charts below. To opt-out of personal information sales or sharing, please visit Your California Privacy Choices.

Personal Information Collected: We may collect and use the personal information categories listed in the table below as indicated. The Company does not retain personal information for each disclosed purpose for which the personal information was collected for longer than is reasonably necessary for that purpose or as required by law.

 Personal Information Category Business Purpose Sold or Shared
Identifiers, such as real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver's license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers.
  • To fulfill or meet the reason you provided the personal information.
  • To support, personalize, and develop our website, products, and services.
Sold and shared
California Customer Records personal information, which includes a name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information. Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories.
  • To process your requests, purchases, transactions, and payments and prevent transactional fraud.
  • Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity.
Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law, such as age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, reproductive health decision-making, military and veteran status, or genetic information (including familial genetic information).
  • To help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our website, products and services, databases and other technology assets, and business.
  • To maintain, improve, upgrade, or enhance our products and services.
Commercial information, such as records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
  • To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered between you and us, including billing and collections.
  • To personalize your website experience and to deliver content and product and service offerings relevant to your interests, including targeted offers and ads through our website, third-party sites, and via email or text message (with your consent, where required by law).
Biometric information, such as genetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or activity patterns used to extract a template or other identifier or identifying information, such as, fingerprints, faceprints, and voiceprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke, gait, or other physical patterns, and sleep, health, or exercise data.
  • Complying with laws and regulations and to comply with other legal process and law enforcement requirements (including any internal policy based on or reflecting legal or regulatory guidance, codes, or opinions).
  • To evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, in which personal information held by us about our website users and/or consumers is among the assets transferred.
Internet or other similar network activity, such as browsing history, search history, information on a consumer's interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.
  • To respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations.
  • Recruit and process employment applications, including verifying eligibility for employment and conducting background and related checks.
Geolocation data, such as physical location or movements.
  • Conduct employee onboarding.
  • Maintain and administer payroll and employee benefit plans, including enrollment and claims handling.
Sensory data, such as audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information.
  • Maintain personnel records and complying with record retention requirements.
  • Provide employees with human resources management services and employee data maintenance and support services.
Professional or employment-related information, such as current or past job history or performance evaluations.
  • Communicate with employees and their emergency contacts and plan beneficiaries.
Non-public education information, which may include education records directly related to a student maintained by an educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student identification codes, student financial information, or student disciplinary records.
  • Comply with applicable state and federal labor, employment, tax benefits, workers' compensation, disability, equal employment opportunity, workplace safety, and related laws.
Inferences drawn from other personal information, such as a profile reflecting a person's preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.
  • Design, implement, and promote the Company's diversity and inclusion programs.
Direct Mail Co-op -shared with direct mail catalog data base co-op to match back like customers to purchase. Other brands do the same.
  • Perform workforce analytics, data analytics, and benchmarking.
  • Mail physical catalogs and grow the data base.
Sold and Shared


Sensitive Personal Information Collected: Sensitive personal information is a subtype of personal information consisting of specific information categories. We may collect and use information that falls within the sensitive personal information categories listed below as indicated. The Company does not retain sensitive personal information for each disclosed purpose for which the personal information was collected for longer than is reasonably necessary for that purpose or as required by law. To limit the use of your Sensitive Personal Information, please visit Your California Privacy Choices.

 Sensitive Personal Information Category Business Purpose Sold or Shared
Government identifiers, such as your Social Security number, driver's license, state identification card, or passport number.
  • Same business purposes listed in the table above.
Complete account access credentials, such as user names, account numbers, or card numbers combined with required access/security code or password. No
Precise geolocation, such as your physical location within a small area (1,850 feet radius). Sold and Shared
Racial or ethnic origin. No
Religious or philosophical beliefs. No
Union membership. No
Contents of a consumer's mail, email, and text messages unless the Company is the intended recipient of the communication. No
Genetic data. No
Unique biometric information used for identification. No
Health information. No
Sex life, or sexual orientation information. No


If you have any questions about this Notice or need to access it in an alternative format due to having a disability, please contact or 855-967-8197.

Last Updated: July 9, 2024.